Welcome all to the first edition of our ‘Burner’s Bulletin’.
A totally re-engineered format of our club newsletter, which has been in the planning for quite a while and finally ready to distribute to all involved with our club, keeping everyone up to date and well informed.
This new format will showcase all the news and reviews you have had in the past, with the addition of;
- Click through video content by way of ‘Burner’s TV’
- Messaging from all corners of our club management & football ops.
- Coaches corner
- Player news & reviews
- Injury updates
- Sponsor spotlight
- Social calendar
‘As well as a bit of fun and frivolity along the way’.
I would also like to thank our outgoing newsletter guru Mike McCoy for his many years of information sharing for our club. Mike has spent years tapping away each week, keeping all informed, I know he is happy to hand this over to Dan & Ben, allowing him time to concentrate further on club treasury duties.
Meanwhile, here is my contribution for this week’s newsletter.
Around the club
The cricket club officially occupy the Morton Park Pavilion now and for approx the next 6 months post our hand over late October. After the season our football club has endured with yet another covid interrupted fixture and eventual shutdown, I really hope the cricket season can go through its entirety, delay free.
The recent relaxation of lock down restrictions now allows us to hold our AGM & Presentation Night at the Morton Park Pavilion. The AGM is planned for Monday 6th December, Under 19s Presentation Wednesday 8th December and Senior Men & Women Presentation Night Friday 10th December.
This information will go out to all sponsors, members & playing lists in the coming week, giving us approx 3 weeks to plan and organise these events. The BCC has agreed to allow us to use the social rooms for both functions, so I would like to thank BCC President Jo Ann Bowler for allowing access. It will be terrific to see everyone come together for these functions. It’s been far too long between catch up.
- A recent update regarding installation of the NEW GROUND LIGHTS around both ovals informs that completion date is set for late December. The footings have been in situ for a few weeks now and poles have been delivered to site, ready to be craned into place and have the lighting fixtures installed.
At 27m tall, the poles and light fittings will set Morton Park off as a premium sporting precinct. The poles used will be powder coated black, which will enhance their appearance even further.
Further good news to report in terms of this project is that both the Eastern & Western ovals will be upgraded to 150 lux LED lighting, giving both grounds the highest lighting capacity in the EFNL and the flexibility to host & play night football of many seasons to come
- Whitehorse City Council recently confirmed that SAFETY NETTING behind Northern end goal approved to proceed. Furthermore, WCC have informed that the project can go ahead without the need to obtain building permit. This will fast track the overall lead time of the netting along with saving the club quite a few dollars usually required to fund the process of permit applications. At this stage, project timeline has this complete before February 2022.
A message of thanks to BFC Junior Club President Spencer Wilson and his Committee for their assistance with funding the Safety Netting & 150 lux LED upgrade.
Football Department News
Both our Men’s and Women’s departments have begun preseason training early in November after no football since early July. The Men will again use Nunawading Christian College as a training base over summer, while our women will head to Monash Uni in Clayton to use one of their football grounds on campus.
There have been some changes in both our men’s & women’s coaching departments over the off season.
You will notice a couple of new faces around the club in 2022 along with some familiar faces taking on new responsibilities for next season. Further information will be highlighted later in this bulletin.
Planning for the preseason training camps is well underway. Our men will head to Trafalgar in February and while our women are yet to decide their destination, discussions have begun and this detail should be locked away soon.
Our membership sub-committee will be meeting in the coming days to formulate member packages for season 2022. We will be presenting some exciting news for all RED ARMY faithful who have supported the club over the past 2 interrupted football seasons, so keep an eye out in future BURNER’S BULLETIN for more information.
I think that’s enough from me for our first edition, I hope you are all safe & well and you enjoy the read.